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Untung Rahardja
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Email :
urahardja@yahoo.com, zzahra_2020@yahoo.com
Teknologi informasi bukanlah hal
yang baru bagi kita dan hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia saat ini tidak
dapat dilepaskan dari teknologi. Namun, sistem informasi yang ada saat ini,
walaupun telah diamankan dengan password, tetap saja sering diragukan oleh pengguna
perihal lemahnya sistem keamanan. Dalam setiap melakukan penyimpanan atau perubahan
data yang ada dalam database, terkadang tidak diketahui kapan perubahan data
terjadi dan siapa yang merubahnya sehingga keamanan data dirasakan kurang.
Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini maka dibutuhkannya suatu metodologi yang
disebut system Automated Track Recording (ATR). Cara kerja dari ATR yaitu
begitu user menyimpan dan merubah data maka secara otomatis sistem akan merekam
kegiatan yang dilakukan selama kegiatan tersebut berlangsung, seperti siapa dan
waktu suatu transaksi terjadi/dirubah/dibatalkan, kapan/siapa masuk ke
komputer, kapan/siapa masuk dalam database, maka yang lama dan yang baru ada
semua dalam database. ATR didefinisikan sebagai teknik penyimpanan data yang
merekam perubahan data dan waktu, yang dapat dijadikan bahan evaluasi dan
pengamanan. Diidentifikasikan lima masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh pengguna sistem
informasi dari segi keamanannya, serta empat ciri-ciri khas dari sistem ATR
ini. Dengan demikian, ATR bisa dijadikan suatu gambaran seperti sistem history
dimana konsep tersebut dapat membantu dalam menggunakan database khususnya
dalam menyimpan dan merubah data sehingga user dapat mengetahui kapan terjadi
dan siapa merubah.
Kata Kunci : Automated Track
Information technology is not new for us and almost all aspects ofhuman life can not currently be removed from the technology.However, the information systems that exist today, although it has been secured with a password, still it is often doubted by usersregarding the lack of security systems. In every act of deposit orchange existing data in the database, sometimes it is not known when the data changes occur and who will change it so that data security is lacking. To solve this problem then it needs amethodology called Automated System Track Recording (ATR).The workings of the ATR that is so user store and modify data thenthe system will automatically record the activities performed duringthese events took place, such as who and when a transactionoccurs / changed / canceled, when / who entered into the computer,when / who entered in the database , then the old and new oneshave all of the database. ATR is defined as a data storagetechnique that records changes to data and time, which can be used as an evaluation and safety. Identified five problems frequently encountered by users of information systems in terms of safety, as well as four characteristics of this ATR system. Thus, the ATR can be used as a description of such systems where the concept ofhistory can be helpful in using the database, especially in the storeand change the data so the user can know when it happened and who to change.
Keywords: Automated Track Recording
Information technology is not new for us and almost all aspects ofhuman life can not currently be removed from the technology.However, the information systems that exist today, although it has been secured with a password, still it is often doubted by usersregarding the lack of security systems. In every act of deposit orchange existing data in the database, sometimes it is not known when the data changes occur and who will change it so that data security is lacking. To solve this problem then it needs amethodology called Automated System Track Recording (ATR).The workings of the ATR that is so user store and modify data thenthe system will automatically record the activities performed duringthese events took place, such as who and when a transactionoccurs / changed / canceled, when / who entered into the computer,when / who entered in the database , then the old and new oneshave all of the database. ATR is defined as a data storagetechnique that records changes to data and time, which can be used as an evaluation and safety. Identified five problems frequently encountered by users of information systems in terms of safety, as well as four characteristics of this ATR system. Thus, the ATR can be used as a description of such systems where the concept ofhistory can be helpful in using the database, especially in the storeand change the data so the user can know when it happened and who to change.
Keywords: Automated Track Recording
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