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Siti Nur Aisyah 3
Berbagai vendor
software dan hardware telah mengeluarkan beberapa produk yang mendukung
penerapan teknologi informasi untuk kepentingan para manajer organisasi. Namun pemanfaatan
produk tersebut oleh para manajer belum optimal. Hal ini disebabkan para manajer
belum memahami konsep penerapan dan cara kerja teknologi informasi untuk mendukung
pelaksanaan fungsi-fungsi kepemimpinan yang disebut e-leadership. Sementara itu
pemanfaatan teknologi informasi diberbagai organisasi dan perusahaan, dan
penerapan konsep dan cara kerja e-leadership oleh para manajernya merupakan
suatu keharusan. Organisasi yang dipimpin oleh manajer yang tidak berminat dan
tidak menguasai penerapkan konsep dan cara kerja e-leadership senantiasa akan
sulit bertahan diera persaingan yang semakin kompetitif. Untuk itu diperlukan
penjabaran tentang konsep dan penerapan cara kerja e-leadership dan pengaruhnya
terhadap efektivitas pelaksanaan fungsi manajer sebagai pemimpin, diantaranya
dalam melakukan fungsi: perencanaan, pengelolaan, pendelegasian, motivasi,
pengontrolan, dan evaluasi.
Kata kunci :
manajer, e-Leadership
Various software and hardware vendors have issued several products that support the application of information technology for the benefit of the managers of the organization. However, the use ofthese products by the managers have not been optimal. This is because the managers do not understand the concept and how theapplication of information technology to support the leadership functions that are called e-leadership. While the use of information technology in various organizations and companies, and theapplication of the concept and workings of e-leadership by its managers is a must. Organizations led by managers who are not interested and do not control and how to apply the concept of e-leadership will always be difficult to survive an increasinglycompetitive era of competition. It required the elaboration of the concept and application of the workings of e-leadership and its influence on the effectiveness of managers function as a leader,including the conduct of functions: planning, management, delegation, motivation, control, and evaluation.
Key words: manager, e-Leadership
Various software and hardware vendors have issued several products that support the application of information technology for the benefit of the managers of the organization. However, the use ofthese products by the managers have not been optimal. This is because the managers do not understand the concept and how theapplication of information technology to support the leadership functions that are called e-leadership. While the use of information technology in various organizations and companies, and theapplication of the concept and workings of e-leadership by its managers is a must. Organizations led by managers who are not interested and do not control and how to apply the concept of e-leadership will always be difficult to survive an increasinglycompetitive era of competition. It required the elaboration of the concept and application of the workings of e-leadership and its influence on the effectiveness of managers function as a leader,including the conduct of functions: planning, management, delegation, motivation, control, and evaluation.
Key words: manager, e-Leadership
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