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Augury El Rayeb
Dhiana Aprianah
augury@pribadiraharja.com, maimunah@pribadiraharja.com
globalisasi yang ditunjang oleh inovasi juga ditandai dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan
dan teknologi yang sangat pesat . Menyadari akan persaingan yang semakin berat,
maka perlu ada perubahan paradigma yang bertumpu pada analisis bidang ilmu pengetahuan
tertentu misalnya pohon industri, kemasan pengetahuan, metadatabase, data
mining, serta pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Disinilah peran pendidikan dan knowledge
sharing dikalangan karyawan menjadi amat penting dalam meningkatkan kemampuan
manusia untuk berpikir secara logika yang akan menghasilkan suatu bentuk inovasi.
Jadi inovasi merupakan suatu proses dari ide melalui penelitian dan
pengembangan akan menghasilkan proses penciptaan pengetahuan yang baik.
kunci : knowledge sharing, data mining.
Era of globalization which is supported by the innovation also marked by the development of science and technology very rapidly. Recognizing the increasingly severe competition, it is necessary tochange the paradigm, which is based on the analysis of specificareas of science such as tree industry, packaging knowledge, metadatabase, data mining, and human resource development.Here, the role of education and knowledge sharing amongemployees to be very important in improving the human ability tothink through the logic that will generate some form of innovation. So innovation is a process from idea through research and development will yield a good knowledge creation process.
Key words: knowledge sharing, data mining.
Era of globalization which is supported by the innovation also marked by the development of science and technology very rapidly. Recognizing the increasingly severe competition, it is necessary tochange the paradigm, which is based on the analysis of specificareas of science such as tree industry, packaging knowledge, metadatabase, data mining, and human resource development.Here, the role of education and knowledge sharing amongemployees to be very important in improving the human ability tothink through the logic that will generate some form of innovation. So innovation is a process from idea through research and development will yield a good knowledge creation process.
Key words: knowledge sharing, data mining.
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