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El Rayeb
: zzahra_2020@yahoo.com, gury.mail@gmail.com
organisasi perlu mengembangkan kemampuan atau keunggulan bersaingnya agar dapat
bertahan, bersaing dan mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya dengan baik. Sumber
daya yang dibutuhkan untuk berlangsungnya itu tidak semata-mata dari sumber
daya tradisional seperti sumber daya alam, tenaga kerja dan melainkan juga dari
sumber daya tak wujud (intangible resources), yaitu pengetahuan (intelectual
capital). Untuk memperoleh manfaat sebesar-besarnya dari pengetahuan yang
dimiliki dan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan apa yang harus dimiliki, suatu
organisasi harus mengelola pengetahuannya melalui knowledge management (KM).
Dengan KM secara sadar organisasi mengidentifikasi pengetahuanpengetahuan yang
dimiliki, dan memanfaatkannya untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan menghasilkan
inovasi. Suatu Institusi saat ini diharapkan bisa berkompetisi dan mempunyai daya
saing untuk menjadi Institusi yang unggulan. Untuk itu diperlukan metodologi
knowledge management. Knowledge management adalah kemampuan untuk menciptakan
dan mempertahankan nilai yang lebih besar dari kompetensi institusi intinya
(core institutional competencies). Aset institusi ini adalah aset yang
menentukan jenis tenaga kerja, informasi, keterampilan dan struktur organisasi
yang diperlukan. Meskipun institusi telah memiliki produk andalan dan teknologi
yang tercanggih, tetapi akhirnya perlu disadari bahwa sumber yang berkelanjutan
(sustainable resources) dari keuntungan daya saing kompetitif (competitive advantage)
adalah pengetahuan dan pengalaman. Karena pengetahuan dan pengalaman mampu
untuk menciptakan, mengkomunikasikan dan mengaplikasikan pengetahuan mengenai
semua hal tersebut untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis. Dengan demikian knowledge management
dapat dijadikan suatu aset berharga bagi suatu institusi.
Kata kunci :
knowledge management, sustainable resources, competitive advantage.
Every organization needs to develop skills or competingadvantages in order to survive, compete and to survive well.Resources needed for the course is not solely from traditionalpower sources such as natural resources, labor and resources but also of not being (intangible resources), the knowledge (intellectualcapital). To obtain maximum benefit from the knowledge and the knowledge to know what to have, an organization must manage knowledge through knowledge management (KM). By consciously KM owned organizations identify, anduse it to improve performance and generate innovation. Aninstitution is currently expected to compete and have a competitive edge to become a leading institution. This requires the knowledge management methodology. Knowledge management is the abilityto create and retain greater value from its core competence of the institution (institutional core competencies). This institution assetsare assets that determine the type of labor, information, skills andthe necessary organizational structure. Although the institution hasto have a flagship product and the most advanced technology, butultimately we need to realize that sustainable sources (sustainableresources) of the competitiveness of competitive advantage(competitive advantage) is the knowledge and experience.Because of the knowledge and experience is able to create,communicate and apply knowledge of all these things to achievebusiness goals. Thus knowledge management can be a valuable asset to an institution.
Keywords: knowledge management, sustainable resources,competitive advantage.
Every organization needs to develop skills or competingadvantages in order to survive, compete and to survive well.Resources needed for the course is not solely from traditionalpower sources such as natural resources, labor and resources but also of not being (intangible resources), the knowledge (intellectualcapital). To obtain maximum benefit from the knowledge and the knowledge to know what to have, an organization must manage knowledge through knowledge management (KM). By consciously KM owned organizations identify, anduse it to improve performance and generate innovation. Aninstitution is currently expected to compete and have a competitive edge to become a leading institution. This requires the knowledge management methodology. Knowledge management is the abilityto create and retain greater value from its core competence of the institution (institutional core competencies). This institution assetsare assets that determine the type of labor, information, skills andthe necessary organizational structure. Although the institution hasto have a flagship product and the most advanced technology, butultimately we need to realize that sustainable sources (sustainableresources) of the competitiveness of competitive advantage(competitive advantage) is the knowledge and experience.Because of the knowledge and experience is able to create,communicate and apply knowledge of all these things to achievebusiness goals. Thus knowledge management can be a valuable asset to an institution.
Keywords: knowledge management, sustainable resources,competitive advantage.
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